Sunday, October 13, 2013

Week 41: Front Porch Facade

  Week 41 book-of-the-week is titled Front Porch Facade. It's the fourth book in the House series that began with Old House in Week 38. Front Porch Facade is a rhyme about a certain front porch.
Covered in antique marbled paper, pastepaper, and silk bookcloth
It joins the books Old House, Attic, and Window... 
the book, Front Porch Facade... beside The House Series box set 
   The book slides inside it's own slipcase... which also serves as the physical porch of the House.

The slipcase porch is covered in pastepaper and marbled paper
Front Porch Facade in its own slipcase porch
Inside the little stiff-leaf book are the pastepainted folios and and the letterpress rhyme about a neglected  part of the house...

Looking down on the Front Porch Facade

paste paint, letterpress, and shadows...
This is the silly little rhyme, Front Porch Facade...

Front Porch Facade

The old swing hung
on the Front Porch;
an anniversary gift
from long ago

Promise of evenings spent
sharing the events of the day
and rocking to and fro

The hope was there
in those early years:
the perfect match for
the family life
the toasts, and boasts, and cheers.

So the swing was strung
from links of chain:
it hung as if to say
Here Lives a Happy Family
Come visit us and stay!

On the surface it greeted all
comers. It's thick enamel pate
the pure and simple whiteness
Welcome beacon to the estate.

But year after year it hung
forgot; the Front Porch for
distant guests, and
peddlers and beggars
not FAMILY like the rest.

The slats grew cobwebbed
and dirty - shrouded with
patches of mold;
and the old porch swing
just hung there
swung by the wind and the cold.

When the Front Porch was
newly painted
the old swing was taken down,
hung in a tree in the backyard
...perhaps a better place found.

Now, beside the Front
Porch door sits a
handmade oaken pew
a testament to faith and love
and covered in mildew.

beyond the Front Porch Facade...