Mysterious and surprising...moving and static.. poetic and plebian...all those adjectives apply to this week's book-of-the-week, Laundry Poem. Created as an example book for an upcoming class, this stiff leaf book is a drop side box with a poem written on the inside walls.
Marbled paper, Japanese paper, and bookcloth on the cover |
When the top is removed, all four sides fall to the table...
Looking down... what's inside? |
and inside is the poem, Laundry Poem, written by Rachel Steinsberger, and the surprise.
Peeking in... anticipation as the walls fall down |
all bound up, tied up, connected, made one... |
sides laying flat, the laundry stands in the middle... |
This is the what's written inside...
Laundry Poem
lifting the lid of the washer
coin operated
in the basement
sunlight fighting against
the dirty window
A feeling passed over me
clothing twisted together
a blue sweater arm embracing
a bleeding denim leg.
the light load
woven with things that
shouldn’t even be there
nylons, bras, yesterday’s change.
worn monday past two
maybe three sundays is now
a large mass of oneness
like Pandora's box, anything could be inside! |