Sunday, April 14, 2013

Week 15: Postcard Time

Last page of Postcard Time

   A bookmaker ends up with piles and piles of tiny pieces of pretty paper. Eventually they are sorted into separate boxes based on their colors....Reds, Oranges, Yellows, Blues, Greens, Purples, Browns, Blacks and Whites... then stacked on the studio shelves. Tiny triangles, rectangles, squares, strips and circles fill the boxes on the book artist's shelf. Making miniature books in hopes that the stash will diminish.. is one solution.. But still more scraps tend to accumulate. The situation begins to be somewhat catastrophic and the bookmaker forgets about making books on important things like poetry, political activism and personal angst. It's time to tackle the mounting scrap paper! Another plan for getting rid of some of the scraps that seem to spontaneously generate is collage! The definition for collage is.... the act of gluing little pieces of paper on top of each other. So, this week's book-of-the-week is an accumulation of collage cards titled Postcard Time.
A 1940's tablecloth transformed into a book cloth cover
While reusing the old scraps, making book cloth from old textiles is also worthwhile... so a 1940's tablecloth was pressed into service as the cover material for the cased-in little book the size of a standard postcard.
City street map postcard
Houses-from-all-over postcards
Windows postcard
A paper forest postcard... Can we see the forest for the trees?
Looking down on the stiff leaf book of collaged postcards
   Handmade postcards are delightful to make and lovely to receive. I watch with trepidation as the ever changing world moves toward a rare use of the handwritten letter and actual paper mail. Even junk mail has diminished! (ok, that's a good thing) As I write this blog on my computer... clicking away and easily deleting my misspellings and grammar errors (sometimes)... I mourn the loss of the personal letter. .. Thanks to Kindles and Nooks I can't begin to imagine the future of the b....K! Yikes! Ok.. I'm being a bit dramatic. Meanwhile I'll keep making my handmade collage postcards and perhaps scratch out a few folksy letters to some friends and family... why don't you do the same?