Friday, December 30, 2011

Book Classes are Fun!

Hey! So here are the upcoming book classes I've planned for Winter and Spring 2012. They are fun, packed with information, and always have a great group of folks.

At Pullen Arts Center, Raleigh, NC (Call them at 919-996-6126 for information about registering)

Bento Box of Books - In Japan, the art of paper crafts, calligraphy, paper-making, printing and bookmaking are in the forefront of historical culture and everyday life. Washi (Japanese paper) has as strong an impact on art and literature as it does in architecture and religion. In this introductory class we will spend 6 weeks exploring Japanese culture through books and paper. The scroll, the accordion book, the butterfly book, the 4-hole pouch book, and the multi-section book will be taught. In addition to bindings, we will explore the arts of suminagashi (marbling on paper) and kumihimo (cord braiding). Each book will be small enough to fit into a section of a commercial luncheon bento box.  6 Tuesdays, Jan. 17- Feb 21. 6-8:30pm

                                                           Bento Box of Books

Coptic Book with Headband- Coptic bound books make great journals, drawing and sketch books, wedding and celebration sign-in books, and beautiful works of art. We will make a small coptic book with a beautiful exposed binding of chain-stitched linen, pastepaper on book board covers, and pages of mouldmade Italian paper. We'll finish the book with a stitched headband along the top and bottom of the spine. 4 Thursdays, March 22- April 12, 6:30 - 9:30pm

                                                  Coptic Book with Headband

Travel Journal - Travel has an element of the unexpected, of adventure and an awareness of something new. The travel journal has to be compact and sturdy, but also adaptable to change and the unexpected. Most importantly, it must be able to hold a variety of treasures safe. This class will make a softcover journal with pockets, fold-outs, windows, and a multitude of ways to incorporate memories and mementos into a variety of book forms. Fan books, stab books, rubber band books, tacket books, and pamphlet books will be made to tuck into the pockets and envelopes. We'll make paper buttons, and incorporate all types of papers for collecting specimens on your journey. Bring any maps or travel ephemera you would like to incorporate! Tuesdays for 6 weeks, March 27- May 1, 6:30-9pm

                                                 Travel Journal of Books

At Cary Arts Center, Cary, NC (Call them at 919-469-4069 for information about registering.)

The Perfect Book - The casebound, flat back book is one of the most common books seen in libraries and in homes. It is  a lovely book to use for any purpose but especially for diaries, special occasions, and a very special written story. For this class we will make the text block from mould made paper imported from Italy, then  cover a "case" (the outer cover) in beautiful commercial book cloth and decorated paper we made ourselves with paste paints. 5 Mondays, 7-9:30pm, April 16- May 14.

                                               A Flat Back Book, "Wang's Chinese"

Covers and Closures - This class focuses on unique and interesting covering materials for books as well as a variety of closures. For covers, we will explore book board with putty painting, recycled paper goods, textiles, wood, and handmade paper. Well will use simple bindings such as  the long stitch, tacket stitch, coptic stitch, and accordion fold. We will spend one day making a sample card of 5-10 closure options and complete 4-5 books. 6 Mondays 6:30-9:30pm, March 5 - April 9

                                                          Painted Linen Cover Book

So that's the plan... hope to see you!


Thursday, December 29, 2011


   With the New Year comes the most ignored list of the year.. The New Year's Resolutions. I loved reading about The Pillow Book, a journal of sorts written by Sei Shōnagona who was lady-in-waiting for the Japanese Empress Teishi around 1001 AD. It includes musings, poetry, sketches, and LISTS. There are 164 lists. (The best description I have found of The Pillow Book is at Perhaps you would enjoy reading about this very personal journal and the lady who wrote it. Meanwhile, I'm still writing my lists. Every day I start with my "To Do" list.... very mundane things like "water the garden, pull weeds for 1 hour, write next week's class handout, work on class sample books, use up the pastepaints, vacume..." But The New Year's Resolution list is different... it's about aspirations, about dreams, and sometimes wishful thinking (that diet?) In the past, the things on the lists have been pretty hard to imagine attaining. It doesn't matter if I cross off all the things on the list or not.  Eventually they might get crossed off.. But they are a record of my aspirations at the time.. a record of what I think would be the perfect life, of who would be the perfect me.

   Several years ago I came across my New Years Resolution List from 1995. I remember writing the list, crying (good grief!) and thinking "These are things I WILL NEVER ATTAIN, but I'm writing them anyway, just to see them." The list was:
New Year's Resolutions for 1995
1. Write a book
2. Travel outside the USA
3. Have my art in shows and be recognized
4. Learn to play the guitar
I still haven't learned to play the guitar, but realized in 2005 that I had achieved each of the others many times over!

Now, my big list of the year...

Kathy's New Year's Resolutions for 2012
1. Write in the blog once a week... communicate
2. Complete 52 books for Jenny's "One Book A Week" project... commit to a challenge
3. Join the local Literacy council... volunteer
4. Write more letters and support the USPS... honor the past
5. Figure out my IPhone... embrace the future
6. Write in the blog once a week... love my mistakes

What's your New Year's Resolutions list? If you're local to the Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill area, consider one of my book arts classes.. or some other sort of creative endeavor. I'll list the upcoming book arts classes in my next post. I promise!